【课程预告】德国马堡大学Wolfgang Form教授:比较刑法和国际刑法
发布时间:2019-04-10 作者: 来源: 浏览次数: 分享
沃尔夫冈·福姆(Prof. Wolfgang Form),德国马堡大学教授,德国著名公法教授,主要研究刑法、国际刑法、刑法史、国际人权法。近十年着力研究公共犯罪和军事司法、国际刑法史、和平与冲突研究以及德国国家社会主义的地区和区域历史,在国际反恐怖主义刑法研究中取得国际瞩目的成果。独立出版著作和发表学术论文近百篇(部)。
Wolfgang Form, 1959, (Dr. phil., Dipl. Pol.) studied Political Science, Sociology, Social- and Economic History and Public Law in Marburg. He co-founded the International Research and Documentations Center for War Crimes Trials, Marburg. His main fields of research cover political criminal and military justice, history of international criminal law, peace and conflict studies and on local and regional history of National Socialism. Alongside several articles in the field Germany and Austrian contemporary history, international relations, history of criminal law, international law and human rights law.